Good Morning

Good Morning
Starting a day looking out library window

Monday, February 18, 2008

Thing #7 Tagging & Social Bookmarking

I have went and explored the various aspect of I must be frank and state that I am tired of having to register for all of these sites. I did the screen about using; this gave me a tutorial about the tagging and bookmarkings. I stopped at getting my own account. I do not know if this is something that I would use often.

1 comment:

MyraG said...

Yes...the only way to explore the tools of Web 2.0 is to open some accounts.

In the class on Wdnesday, we covered some uses for -- maybe you can glean some idea for use while reading/comments on the blog of others. We also took some time to troubleshoot our blogs, use of photos, and a few problems everyone was having.

I'm glad you looked at That is our goal in this class: to explore some of the Web 2.0 tools and determine if they are useable for you. If they aren't of value for your needs, then you can move on. Tools are only good if you use them.