Good Morning

Good Morning
Starting a day looking out library window

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing #10 Still working with phots

A wonderful part of the family. Buster has been with us for 12 years.
I love knowing that I am able to get photos from a digital camera. Prior to this class, I was unable to use a ditigal camera; let alone downloading the pictures and posting them.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MyraG said...


Please DELETE the comment from malashicage. It is malicious spam. Do NOT click on the link or comment.

Usually, the spam filter catches JUNK like this. But, every once in awhile, one gets through. Whenever you see a message from someone you don't know (especially with a link to go someplace else), it is probably spam or a virus. It it is important, they will write again and put their message in a comment -- NOT a link.

Good lesson here.

MyraG said...

It is VERY COOL that you are able to do something with photos that you were unable to do before. That makes me very happy! :o) I know we are covering a lot of stuff -- but take time to step back and look at how much you are learning. You are awesome!

By the way, Buster is very cute!

MyraG said...

To delete a comment that you don't want on your comments page:

Click on the little trashcan underneath the comment you wish to delete. That's it.

Notice, you won't see the little trashcan on anyone's blog but your own -- that's because you have administrative rights to change anything on your blog.

ann said...

I just learned two new things by reading your comments, the malicious spam and the trash can feature. thanks Myra!
I was in the same boat with you when it came to learning how to put pictures on the computer! Slowly, I'm learning how to use some of these great FREE photo programs out there!