Good Morning

Good Morning
Starting a day looking out library window

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing #18 Computer generated videos

I went through and looked at the various resourses regarding video hosting sites. Some of the sites I really enjoyed, i.e. 60's and 70's musical videos and 1970 commericals. These were fun to go and remember the many days of yesteryear. (Wow, I had forgotten all about some of these. FUN) I did not enjoy some on TeacherTube because they had sound bad quality. The sound and volume was bad. The one video I did like on TeacherTube was a Mentos and Diet Coke. It was called the Menthos and Coke Geyser. The quality of sound was very good and I found the content interesting. I was unable to upload the video or add a link Mentos

Thing #17 Exploring Web 2.0 Award Winning Apps

Beginning this lesson, I went to the top winners short-list. I began to get frustrated. It seems as if I am the only one that does not seem excited about 2.0, then I came across a health site. Wow, it was nice. Recently, I was surfing the internet looking for and never came upon anything that was helpful.

Then I came upon this health site using Web 2.0 Awards. I liked how the search page looked neat and organized. It was very eye pleasing and had a large number results. I also liked that it showed a lot of results from my search and the information was written in terms that I was able to understand.

I am a failure at putting a link onto my blog. I have tried and it never works. I have been unable to figure out what I am doing wrong. I liked and health.org

Thing #16 Learning a Language

This site would really appeal to me if I wanted to learn a second langauge. I feel that it is wonderful to be able to interact with other language learners. This site would have been wonderful when my children had a foreign lanugage class. It is vitual to be able to use it more than during class time.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thing 15 Audiobooks & ebooks

This unit was not as enlighting for me as some of the other tasks during this class. The school library has purchased ebooks for our collection. The main problem I have with ebooks seems to be that ebooks need to be bought initially and then there is a yearly fee to be able to continue using ebooks. Trail Ridge has tried to get the students to use the ebooks, however they have not been very enthustiast. Students prefer to GOOGLE search options.
Trail Ridge, in addition to ebooks, has purchased a small number of audiobooks for checkout, it is required that the hard copy title is also check out at the same time. Some kids have caught the audiobook fever. Yesterday a good reader wanted to check out the audiobook of "Hoot". Today, she returned the audiobook to the library. She stated that her mom would not let her use the audio because it was cheating.
When looking throught the course links for this lesson, I preferred the "Google Project" and "Gutenber Project Top 100". These sites had the book cover nice and big; the displaying of the book was very appealing. I also liked that I was able to read the book on line or at least have a chapter to read. This allows me to see if this book is interesting to me. The use of these websites would be useful for helping students find out if this book is an interesting read. I also like that it is genre listed. I have many students that continue to want to read within a specific genre.
I must admit, for me, that ebooks and audiobooks will never be replace my love for holding a book in my hands and getting lost in a storyline.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Voki again

Get a Voki now!

I was very hestitant to do podcasting. It too me longer than I felt was appropriate for me to get the link to post to my blog. I do not know why but that seems to be my biggest challange. I most often am able to do the assigned task, but then I loose the information once I try to post. Once I got the sign on information and it posted correctly, I was hooked. I can see why the kids want to keep doing this. My daughter and I watched OPRAH today and she was promoting podcasting. Prior to the assignment I do not recall hearing the term.
The use of podcasting could be used in a school or library setting by having the students sign on to the VOKI to get an assignment and then having to write an answer bad.

Thing #14

Get a Voki now!

My first attemp at doing a VOKI. This really felt good to get this posted!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thing #13 Expermenting with Google Apps

I went to google applications and explored around the different sites. I am really confused as to how this will benefit me. I played with making a calender for the computer labs at work. I would like to find a calender that makes it easier to view and show the diffent class periods. As of now I am using an Excel spread sheet and I feel it is confusing to look at availabity. I really like the book search application. It was nice to see reviews and be able to read a small summary of the book content. I feel that the book search would be my favorite.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Greetings, Thing #12 Open Source Application

I have finally been able to get into my account. I used the same log on information yesterday as I did today. In class on Wednesday, I kept attempting to log on and was unable to get this far. This happens often to me, I have to be typing incorrectly.

Oh, well at least on finally got on.

I went and explored this site googles.doc. The more I clicked and played with it the applications, it became less overwhelming. I liked that I soon was able to get items to got to my blog. I feel that once I am an empty nester or a retiree I might get really hooked onto this site. Right now there is just too much to really do justice with. Thanks for showing this to me MGier

Monday, March 3, 2008

Thing #11 Wikis

Reading this week required readings was very interesting for me. When I went to the links, I found the information easy to follow. Some prior assignments seemed very complex to my thought process. I liked that I did not need to worry about HTMLs.
With this week's reading links, I was so intrigued with looking at the different WIKIs, that I realized I was still need to do the homework assignment. For some reason I am unable to edit my assigned section. When I logged on it had me as a guest.