Good Morning

Good Morning
Starting a day looking out library window

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Virgin Blogger

Hi Media Clerks,
I am just beginning as a blogger. I have never done this before.
Blogging seems really confusing.


MyraG said...

Confusing? Looks like your are doing okay. You have done the "hard part". You are now up and running and ready to go. We'll learn more, as we go, to spiff up your blog and add cool, new feature.

Have fun blogging!

Lisa C said...

I love your name. Can't wait to get all this stuff down so I can be as good as Myra!!

MsLinda said...

Anytime you jump into something so new it is confusing and frustrating and brain draining! But look how well you are doing. I too love your name!

clerks a rockin said...

Luann cute name. I can remember who you are with it. I am having trouble seeing who a few of the ladies are.How does it know who we are when we write? Too many questions.Geeze look at all that stuff right under here. I have to fill it all out?