Good Morning

Good Morning
Starting a day looking out library window

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing #18 Computer generated videos

I went through and looked at the various resourses regarding video hosting sites. Some of the sites I really enjoyed, i.e. 60's and 70's musical videos and 1970 commericals. These were fun to go and remember the many days of yesteryear. (Wow, I had forgotten all about some of these. FUN) I did not enjoy some on TeacherTube because they had sound bad quality. The sound and volume was bad. The one video I did like on TeacherTube was a Mentos and Diet Coke. It was called the Menthos and Coke Geyser. The quality of sound was very good and I found the content interesting. I was unable to upload the video or add a link Mentos

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